Data Recovery Services

Data recovery service providers consist of a team of knowledgeable hardware, software, and system specialists that understand the value of data. When data is lost, a business's momentum can be brought to a screeching halt. It takes a significant amount of time for a business to get back up to speed once data is recovered. Recovering data as quickly and as efficiently as possible lets businesses get back on the road to success as quickly as possible.

Data recovery services use a variety of data recovery tools and methods to recover data. To recover data, most data recovery services utilize either in-house data recovery creations or tools developed in conjunction with major storage manufacturers. As long as data is recovered, the method of data recovery used is ultimately inconsequential.

In order for data to be recovered, data recovery services must first make a disk image so that they have a safe clone from which to work. Replica copies of damaged data are stored on secure servers so that software engineers can run diagnostic checks and test possible solutions. If a technician hits a dead end, he or she can always return to the original disk and re-image it onto the server.

Once data is on a secure server and a diagnosis has been performed, data recovery services generate a report detailing what they have found. The report should state how much data can be recovered from the disk, a detailed account of the defect causing corruption, a firm quote for data recovery costs, and an estimated date upon which media will be returned. Work begins when the quote is approved.

The Process Continues Working with the disk image, data technicians use special extraction software to read system data and piece corrupted data back together. Files can become corrupted for a variety of different reasons and only a skilled, experienced technician will be able to spot all of the potential causes for problems in a data set. As files are recovered, they are extracted into a directory structure identical to that which was on the original drive. Once that process is completed data can then be rewritten to the original disk.

In some cases, data recovery services determine that the disk itself is the cause of poor data integrity. In such cases, data is not returned to the original hard disk. Instead, data recovery services move data to portable storage devices like Firewire drives and writable disks.

Alternatives to Data Recovery Services One alternative to data recovery services often suggested is an off-the-shelf software tool. While these products are at times successful in restoring lost data, they are not powerful enough to insure that all data is recovered. In cases where data is critical to business performance, off-the-shelf software should be bypassed entirely.

Data recovery specialists are a life-saver when it comes to recovering important data. Having a data recovery service pre-selected when data problems occur saves businesses the headache of choosing a data recovery service while under the pressure of conducting business without key data. If you can, find a data recovery company that you trust as soon as you select your storage solution. That way, if a disaster occurs, you will know exactly who to call.

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