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New Magnetic Film Could Make Storage Technology Ten Thousand Times More Efficient

What would one think about how magnets work? Experimental findings of research team at MIT suggest that we might not entirely understand the magnetic behavior of a magnet. More than one time on some recent occasion analysts have observed an abnormal phenomenon that magnetic films are shifting polarity in a new direction against the electron flow. We may call it wrong direction against the electron flow. But is it really wrong? Or we had been wrongly assuming that we knew all about magnetism behavior. Think tank of MIT has released a research paper about this phenomenon and it could greatly affect the storage technology.

Magnetic poles going in the wrong direction or choosing a new flip direction is obviously something that puts a researchers mind in deep thoughts. Geoffrey Beach and his team at MIT know that the flip of poles is not because of the magnet but the metal seated in the face of the magnet is affecting the process. Now what Beach did was that he placed this thin film on a slab of platinum and exposed it to a current which made it to go in a backward magnetic pole spin rotation. After switching the backing from platinum to tantalum, poles went back in the correct direction. Here is where the curiousness of a researcher reaches sky limit when he knows that both platinum and tantalum are non-magnetic materials in nature and still they are affecting the magnetic properties of the film? This brings stack of questions on the table that needs answers. In the findings it is stated that magnetic storage based on these films is 10,000 times more energy efficient than traditional technology. These magnetic films could be used to provide dense, low-energy storage for both hard drives and solid state systems. The mobile phones that rely on NAND flash memory for them this could mean dramatic power saving.

Anyone with a brain will not underestimate the scope of these findings. And surly this is not a fairyland proposition. It does work and has a very reasonable and practical function to bring boost to the storage technology. It is very much capable of standing in front of the current market technology. Before these findings a few years back it was not much realistic to think of altering the magnetic domains like this. Enormous amount of benefits can be generated with a well thought out plan that jumps in market as practical implementation of the technology. According to Beach the magnetic film technology would make its way in the consumer market much faster than people imagine.