I want to purchase a fresh SSD for my PC and meantime I have installed Win7 on my 64 GB SSD but it is almost full and I need to get a bigger one. Is it possible for me to make image of the current SSD and apply it to the new SSD, since I have a lot of programs installed in my old SSD’s windows 7; consequently it will be difficult for me to reinstall these stuffs on the new SSD. So I want to dedicate the new SSD for windows 7 to decrease the booting time and increase performance. Can you please guide me regarding transferring the old windows 7 to the new SSD?
It is very simple to transfer your old windows 7 to the new one when you followed these steps.
- You can use windows 7 backup app. Go to Start.
- Select Control Panel.
- Select Backup.
- Select Create System Image and windows will choose your HDD to place the image there.
- When windows finish writing the image, you will be prompted to create a Repair DVD.
- When you got ready to create a new SSD, Remove the Old SSD and connect it with new SSD.
- Select Repair after inserting Repair or Install disk. After all, select restore selecting an image.
- When it is done, restart and your system will be in the old position as it was.
- Since you will use a larger SSD so Right click on My Computer.
Select Manage.
- On the extreme left side select Disk Management.
- After the drives get show up, just right click on drive and expend it to full size.
- When done just attach the old SSD and change the priority in BIOS.
- Format the old drive and you can use it as a quick drive for most frequent used files.
Alternative method:
- You can also make use of third party software to create the image of the drive.
- Rely on effective software like Disk Doctors Windows Data Recovery software.
- The above mentioned software has Disk Cloning option and let you create image file which can be processed and seems like a regular disk.
Hopefully you will be able to clone your old disk windows 7 to the new one. In case you need more help, just call our professionals on this number: 1.800.347.5377.