With data storage devices becoming the integral part of modern life, forensic science has entered the dimension of bits & bytes. Forensic Data Recovery involves the identification, preservation, discovery, and retrieval of digital evidence from any type of digital media storage devices containing valuable and sensitive information.
Well your PC is telling you that you are having problem with USB driver, so go to Device Manager and check for the yellow warning signs. Anyhow under Universal Serial Bus Controllers you will find USB Mass Storage Devices driver, make a right-click on that and uninstall it and then restart the PC. Now the Windows should re-install it automatically, if not then go to motherboard manufacturer's website and download it from there
Disk Doctors engineers provide top industry expertise using top of the line tools available in the market and proven techniques to preserve, examine, filter, and extract data according to client's specifications. Our expertise and abilities in data recovery compliments our ability to analyze and search large amounts of data quickly and easily.
Any organization requiring a computer forensics investigation in the context of their specific business challenges may involve some or all of the following elements:
Identify: Identification of devices involved in a incident.
Preserve: Cloning the digital media bit by bit to get an exact copy without endangering the integrity of the original media.
Filter: With advanced matching algorithms available, we can increase the quality and accuracy of results by eliminating irrelevant or duplicate entries.
Report: After filtering the data, Forensic / eDiscovery reports can be prepared according to the provided specifications.
Disk Doctor Labs, Inc. can be contacted for recovery bids or quotes at 1800-347-5377. Bid requests could also be faxed at 770-441-3591 or emailed to [email protected] . Our main office can be contacted for invitation to bid at your project.