Dropped External Hard Drive Recovery

Q. I have an external hard drive, which felled on the ground, since then when I am, trying to read data from this drive it gives noise when used. My hard disk is WD 1200VE which is 120GB, is there any possibility to fix the hard drive.

This seems to be a physical failure as the hard drive is making noise when plugged. If the data, files stored on this particular drive were critical then we would advise you to stop using the drive to avoid further damage.

If the data is critical we provide recovery services, in case you are looking for just fixing the errors on the hard drive then we do not provide drive repair services. In order to recover the data you would need to ship or bring the drive to one of our labs. You can follow the procedure as explained in question no: 8 for sending the drive to us and further processes are explained in detailed on this website.



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